Výkup barevných kovů a železa

Company presentation

The company VITARO, Incorporated Company, was established in 1995 as a trading company and was engaged in the purchase and sale of precious metal. It has gradually built its own technology and facilities for the chemical extraction of pure precious metals from waste materials and one of the is main technological leaders in this area on the Czech market.

Currently, the company VITARO, Inc., a modern trade and production organization that operates on the Czech market in the area of purchase, sale of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and plastics. VITARO, Inc. is the owner of the technological background for the recykling of precious metal waste, electronic and electrical waste and industrial waste containing precious metals. VITARO, Inc. i salso the holder of the comprehensive KNOW-HOW necessary for the top quality of the final products.

The repurchase interest areas have very wide selections so we are introducing you only the main ones:

  • Electrical, autocatalysts, industrial wastes intended for hydrometallurgical processing, platinum products
  • metals, dental materials, wastes from jewelry production, wastes from glass production, Cu, Ms, NiFe materials suitable for ironwork, ……

The company VITARO Inc. offers to its potential clients a global portfolio of processing services for all materials containing precious metals, including sales service of minded pure precious metals with the possibility of desponting in a weighing account and maximizing the final selling price of the precious metal.

In the area of selling precious metals Vitaro company offers world-wide service.

Thanks to constant innovations and investments in new technologies, we are able to offer you all services with the best prices in very short time. The Time is one of the most important valuation criteria in the area of precious metals.

One of our main goals is the 100% satisfaction and therefore we emphasize the provision of the best possible services in the best possible quality. We also put big emphasize to our business partners and of course to each individual customers.



  • Kvalita
  • Efektivnost
  • Rychlost
  • Diskrétnost
  • Spolehlivost
  • Individuální přístup ke každému, i k tomu nejmenšímu zákazníkovi i zakázce
  • Bezkonkurenční výsledná cena

Orientační výkupní ceny ryzího kovu


Zlato 0 Kč / g
Stříbro 0 Kč / g
Platina 0 Kč / g
Paladium 0 Kč / g
Rhodium Na vyžádání

Konečné výkupní ceny kovů budou stanoveny podle druhu, množství, kvality, charakteru dodávaného materiálu a aktuální situace na trhu s drahými kovy. Bližší informace na dožádání +420 724 635 635, zanka@vitaro.cz

Vypočítejte si vaši cenu

Cena: ---

Kurzy Kurzy

Ceník ke stažení

Bližší informace na dožádání +420 325 594 325, +420 724 635 635, zanka@vitaro.cz

Zlato 24 karátů (999.9/1000)

Orientační výkupní cena
0 Kč / g ryzího kovu

Stříbro ryzí (999.9/1000)

Orientační výkupní cena
0 Kč / g ryzího kovu

Platina (999.9/1000)

Orientační výkupní cena
0 Kč / g ryzího kovu

Paládium (999.9/1000)

Orientační výkupní cena
0 Kč / g ryzího kovu


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